Coping with Adolescence


Self-Discovery and Development

Counselling and Coping Strategies for your Preteen or Adolescent

Is your child more withdrawn or aggressive than usual? 

Have eating habits suddenly changed or are they lacking motivation to do the things they previously enjoyed? 

Are they complaining of school pressure and feeling overwhelmed

Or perhaps you are just concerned about their well-being, self-esteem and general coping ability?

 I offer one on one, preteen and adolescent counselling. 

I teach coping strategies, self-esteem development, health and well-being, eating habits, and nutrition. 

We also work together to learn how to balance adolescent lifestyles, and the coping strategies required to deal with anxiety and general adolescent pressures

These sessions are also valuable in identifying more serious underlying issues such as adolescent depression, eating disorders, social anxiety, opposition defiant disorder, among other adolescent issues that need to be addressed by qualified professionals.

 "Stress" is defined as the way our bodies and minds react to life changes. Since adolescence is a period of significant change, including physical, emotional, social, and academic changes, many teens are under more stress than at any other time of life.

 It is very important for teens to learn to handle stress, as long-term build-up of stress that is not handled effectively may lead to problems, including physical illness, anxiety or depression, which call for professional help. 

 Some Adolescent Concerns:

  • academic pressure and career decisions  
  • negative thoughts and feelings about themselves
  • pressure to wear certain types of clothing or hairstyles
  • pressure to try drugs, alcohol or sex

  • pressure to fit in with peer groups and measure up to others
  • adaptation to bodily changes
  • family and peer conflicts
  • chronic illness or death of a loved one
  • moving or changing schools

  • taking on too many activities at one time or having high expectations of oneself